The Early History Of The e-LAMP Package - We Design Websites and Databases

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The e-LAMP package began three years ago. Alex Brillantes was looking for a software engine package to use for his Content Management System that would hold user's information in a database package.  The system has to be "open source" which would be cost-effective as it would be free to use and apply.

The result was a program called "elgg" and the software powers a wide range of networks including the following:

  • Oxfam
  • Royal College of British Architects
  • Australian Government
  • British Government
  • Federal Canadian Government
  • New Zealand Ministry of Education
  • State of Ohio, USA
  • The World Bank
  • United Nations Development Programme
  • Canadian Employment and Immigration Union
  • Tides Canada
  • Aerospace
  • NASA
  • The Executive Lounge
  • Hill and Knowlton
  • Institute of Executive Coaching
  • Interactive Games & Entertainment Association
  • Live Out There
  • UnltdWorld
  • Wiley Publishing
  • Harvard University Extension School
  • Saugus School District
  • Stanford University
  • Think Global School
  • University of Brighton
  • University of Calgary, Grid Research Centre
  • Universite Lille 1
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Oregon State University
  • Great Ormond Street Hospital
  • University of Florida
  • Word for the World Christian Fellowship of North America
  • Alpha Phi Omega International Collegiate Service Fraternity

  • ... the last two were our test installations running for the last three years with 100% uptime.


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